Monday, February 28, 2011


I have 4 days left at the burlington macy's. It's been my place of employment for 3 years now. I have gone from holiday hire in signing to sign lead to loosing my job. Only to come back be in hr get the manager position to move to entirely different store.
Yes i will start my new Job as Administrative Support Team Manager on March 7. I will be in charge of about 5 people in a union store... eeeeeekkkkkk!!!! I got an awesome raise, will get full time insurance and vacation . At least 3 weeks!!!!
This is going to be challenging and scary. Which only means i have to do this. I wil have to go down train most of the people working on my team.  Basically start from scratch and build the team up.  They were not allowed to know anything but one specialist area. Which is a no=no. They need to know how to do everything. Since i am so awesome at interpersonal communication, patient, a good teacher, great multi-tasker, organized, efficient, i can push these girls to be awesome too!!! Which is the best part. Everything i worked hard at has paid off, all of my great strengths can be used on this job to make other awesome workers. It may be hard, since i am used to managing people older than i am, most of these girls are young. i may need to practice being patient even more.
I will have to drive about 40 miles to this new job, whihc for me is kind of awesome because i get to drive the new car... wooohooo. Listen to some music and get ready for the day and unwind on my way home. I usually do not drive that far anywhere, i always rely on tony. So that is also something new for me, independence driving. i know my way around the valley and the islands, but,, down south, that's another story.
I am just so excited and nervous at the same time! But, this will allow tony and i to be able to pay our bills and still have money left over, and he will still need to get a job. But, we won't be so strapped, you know. Especially since i am not really smoking
So since i got sick a couple of weeks ago. i ended up gett the h1n1 flu, had a really bad asthma attack ended up in the e.r. i literally couldn't even smoke at all. so for about 2 weeks i didn't. Now i have maybe 3 or 4 a day. not really wanting them. okay i do a couple of times of day. But, we are on our last pack and i don't want a new pack. so if we stop that is like saving 200 dollars a month, that is more than our insurance payment. It's crazy just crazy. So yea for not smoking as much, getting a new job. Now on to loosing some much needed weight. which is possible now because, i have been not able to eat as much./
i keep getting bloated and have been throwing up for the past couple of weeks, like everyday. It's like i am not digesting my food correctly, i know it's a side effect of all the antibiotics and steriods i was on while i was sick. But, it sucks i have to slowly eat my food in really little bites and chew it even smaller. So far today i am good. I am omiting soda,  1 serving of dairy a day( dairy makes you really bloated). and only 2-3 servings of carbs. Lots of fiber mann... So i am hoping this will help my health issues and loose some weight.
I feel like i haven't talked to anyone that much lately. I really hope i can come out this year to visit!!! would be awesome!!!