Sunday, November 30, 2008


It's amazing how often tony and i don't get out. so on saturday,we actually went and did something. my dad gave us tickets to cheech and chong at the paramount theatre in seattle. it was so fucken cool, the theatred is old and has crystal chandeliers, really ornate moldings all around the walls and ceilings and has like 4 levels, we unforunately were at the way top, it made me nervous, i wouldn't get up because i was afraid that i would fall down. they were really funny,too bad i didn't get to see their faces. and it was so smokey in there that i got a contact high. we had to go to jack in the box afterwards. tommy chong talked alot about getting busted and jail and how pot is awesome, of course. his wife actually came out and did some stand up. then we had to pick my friend up from the airport around midnite, so we didn't get home till late and i had to be up to go to work, 3 hours of sleep, i thought i wouldn't make it. thank god for rockstar! anywho, i am really tired and can barely type this. so a better one later, so light up america!~!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

my career.. did i just step into it...

My inspiration for this blog is stemmed from kristen's recent entry. when you go through life doing what you are good and instead of worry about the money and going from job to job, you do excel and move up and have a great work environment which leads to a great self environment. i believe that i learned that form the job i am currently in. I started with the intention of just needing a job, asap. i worked hard, overcame odds and now i am a morning person. i do my job to my best ability and try to ensure that all of my team members are happy and stress free. i constantly go out of my way to help everyone, without really thinking about it. i actually love the job i have and the place that i work, of course there are bad days, stupid people and corporate bullshit, but overall i love it. i have been continously been moving up and people have noticed and want ne to stay and move up and have a better future in the company. so maybe i have found my niche, i love to organize, do paperwork, delegating is natural to me, but i also help out and do as much as i can, i direct people well and they respond positive. sometimes i can't believe it and i have to step back, if i think too much about it i get nervous that i am doing it wrong, but i let go and just do my job. so it works and yes i will be okay and if i stay with this company forever, it won't be so bad, beause i love to shop and fashion, and maybe that's where i should be. who knows where i could end up in ten years, in charge of something that is a little less technical, i hope i will be there,especially considering my discounts and the people are pretty good too!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

karma gets you every time!

karma has kicked my butt, big time. it's like a mammoth came and kicked my mammoth ass, hard!!! so yesterday i called out from work, we won't mention why it doesn't matter, i just called in. so as i got to work this morning, the duties i needed to have done yesterday, well they weren't done. you see, 2 days prior to a sale going up, i view and print the appropriate documents for the promotions. these documents range from about 400-600 pages long, where as i have to sort my family of business and to the correct signers in 2 stores. i only have 5 other girls sing, but it is till a 2 hour process as i have to take them to the other store, chat with each person so they know what other toppers, specials, use your card perks are going on , along with the loyalty( credit) is to be applied for opening a macy's card for the first time, it changes every week. so all the emails i was to print out and pass to the others along with the event errors, weekly loyalty calendrs, also stapling, hole punching, cleaning up the office organizing and printing weekly signs, all on hold because i suck and didn't go to work, so all of this, minus the daily signs to print that come in batches had to be done today on top of taking down 2 sales, putting up and non adverised sale, and prepping a sale for tomorrow and one of the girls in my store called out. ahahhhhahahahahahahahhaahah must kill who ever decided that the sale should go down on a non ad day incorrectly coordinated up down reports, should fuckin die. i worked 9 hours to day , plus the help of the girl in the other store, to get this done. i hope to god the girl comes in tomorrow, next week is her last, so maybe she doesn't care, wtf, i need real people who will work hard, be efficient, shape minded, organized, room for change, and the willingness to work around other teams that change all of our stuff, oh and did i say organized and efficient. yea its'a need. i don't get paid enuff for this shit. so i am having a cocktail. a ginger goji splash, so it's goji berry citrus juive, with vodka, and ginger ale, i am on my second and i am a little tipsy, can you tell because i can't stop typing. tomorrow will be better because i am making a shitload of brownines for everyone tomorrow! okay i am done, enough of the ranting i need a smoke. lvoe

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Most people would question my desire to dress up my dogs. to the contrary, bruce loved to wear the robe that went to his king costume, teddy didn't mind the wings, but they both hated the hats, so they lasted like a minute. it makes them feel important and they get lots of attention, and that is their a number 1 for them. so i totally love my pom poms and they are like my kids, so dressing them up for the holidays, it's like a day and whatever i love it. but, you really do have to admit they are super cute!