So I need to talk about what happened to tony and i on saturday. we were coming back from the grocery store on the way to my dad's, when we witnessed something very traumatic. we were like 4 or 5 cars behind in line, when a black suv, didn't yield, and a mini van got hit. the suv, fell right on it's side. And i saw the whole thing and screamed oh my god, tony. We immediately pulled over and got out. i started running to see if anyone needed help and tony called 911. There were so many people at the scene that i just stayed back a little. It was amazing to see people just pull over and help this family, they all got out the back and safe, no one was terribly hurt, just scared and the lady in the minivan, i think she was hurt even more. It was amazing to see all the help and concern. The angels were definately watching over them. I just felt so sad wand worried and just wanted to cry for their sake, i realized then, that i am so emotional. Even when it comes to watching t.v. i cry when happy, sad, upset or even when others cry and it happens more and more. But at least tony and i were safe and the others involved were. It was just a shock to see that, ya know. it reminded me that we need to slow down, a little bit more and pay attention!.
Also, i may be getting my real estate license. tony's mom asked if i would be interested and i could help her and be her assistant. Wouldn't that be cool! i think it would so i am going to go for it, why not. i would be helping her with listings, research on the computer and running around and stuff and getting to know the ropes for selling houses, from the best. yea i think this might be actually cool.! so wish me luck on this one. It really is amazing how many options i have been given, i just need to go for one, and give it my all!
That family was so lucky to walk away from that, car accidents are so horrible. I was lucky as hell that the one i was in recently wasn't worse. It definitely forces you to be more aware and careful when you're driving. I absolutely will not make a left turn on a yellow light since that happened unless there are no cars in sight at all, and even then I'm thinking "AHHH" while i'm doing it. It pisses off the people waiting behind me i'm sure, but fuck them, i don't want to die. Getting somewhere two minutes faster just isn't worth the risk to me.
Much luck on getting your real estate license, it sounds like you are really wanting to try this and i'm sure you can. Plus this is something you can use to get a job after you move. Even if the real estate part sucks you'll have office experience from doing the assistant thing, you can take that anywhere.
car accidents are awful and they freak you out... the gnarliest one I saw was on the way to a show in minneapolis and a whole bus was flipped on its side. they were using jaws of life to cut it open...i cried...crystal was sad...and stupid scary...
on a brighter note...real estate? how very grown up of you...remember when van, on reba, became her assistant? that was funny...I would probably be like that...silly and all over the place...
OMG..i remember that on Reba...he's a funny dude!! anyways...its cool you are doing the real estate thing, its funny considering you had just thought that she wanted you to show a house and you were willing to take it on being nervous and all..but that wasnt the case, and it is the case!! Car accidents are scary, i saw 2 yesterday, and a lady fell in taco johns and had to be rushed to the er...things really do make you stop and slow down sometimes!! Im glad you were able to pull out the good out of the situation meaning all the ppl who come together in times when needed, strangers who dont even know one another.
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