Thursday, January 13, 2011

i am a leader.

one should not work night shift doing inventory for a corporate business, while on the verge of aunt flo coming to visit. i truly was moody, bitchy and well rude. i made a lot of people frustrated and not communicate with me. which i tend to do when i am upset, not communicate, because of my fear of anger setting in at them. it was an interesting 3 days of overnights, which it's now almost 3 and i cannot sleep. go figure. i want to apologize for my behavior, but the recipients did not help with the process. i guess it's complicated. this was my first time being the control desk operator for inventory. with a manager who has been doing it for twenty years. she was helpful, but her style is do what you feel is right, if it turns out wrong, ithen you have learned your lessson. sometimes for particular procedures in a corporate business, i feel that it should be this is how we do it and not leeway, so there isn't room for error, because there isn't room for error, apparently. so frustrating. it's over for the main part, now i just have to participate in the reconciliation process which is more of a loss prevention issue, due to the shortage of what we find during inventory. so i am basically the copier bitch... lol. i will be fine, i wont work until friday and it will be fine. it has to be. another lessoned learned, out the door, and on to new stuff. if i could say all the things i learned in the past 2 months, it would fill a papaerback book. crazy. i should go to sleep now, but i really want a cigarette. and perhaps some hot apple cider. love peace and harmony.

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