Thursday, January 08, 2009

support is all i ask for...

As someone is has been over 200 pounds for for than half her life, i say that it is a differnce that someone who has not. I get depressed looking at picture and seeing how big i am compared to others, even my friends. i think about how i can't share my clothes with most of them because i am bigger. What gets me is that you don't see it you want to change it, yet you get lazy or unfocused. Now i am eating healthier, trying to anyways and plan on starting a new exercise program, for the rest of my life, not just temporary, but to be healthy and happy for a long time. i guess i feel upset when people tell me that if they were that big omg, they would be so depressed, that somehow being fat is like being an untouchable, what you aren't worthy anymore, am i not worthy. I try not to care what people think because i know i am beautiful and lots of people love me. It's the loving of my self, that gets me. And when close friends suggest i need to do something before i have a coronary or i need counseling( you know who you are) i try not to be offended because i know you are just trying to help. But sometimes i just need someone to listen and just be there, not judge me or critisize my lack of ambition or tell me how their diets worked and how my isn't what they think is correct. So listen up i have been a really big girl most of my life i do have a eating disorder and i do need help, most of you haven't been big all your life, may have struggled with you ups and downs, but do not know what it is like to be FAT. so what i am trying to say is that I and possibly other peeps, need your support in getting healthy. Please think before you comment on weight, it hurts. And if i didn't tell you this is person, well it's because i probably would have flipped out and caused issues and i don't want that. i just want all of my friends to know that I am getting help and will be struggling for a while.SUPPORT, that's what i need. I will try not to sarcastically put down the skinny people, after all you are people as well. and what may work for you is not necessarily going to work for me. Thanks and i love you all.


pissantONwheels said...

I am pretty sure there is not a single person amongst our group of friends that is happy with their bodies. Either we all have too much in some places or not enough in others or our skin is weird or our hair is weird or something or other, we are our own worst critics for sure.
I love you the way you are of course, but you've got to do whatever you need to do to feel better about yourself. That is what makes the difference, if you are doing it for yourself. I think you have a great plan to be healthier from what you told me and you have my full support, and you've got my number anytime you need to make sure of that. Love you!

Angela said...


I'm fighting the battle of the bulge as well. It sucks, but there it is.

I found this excellent site on Oregon agates for you!

I love rock hunting and I literally have boxes and boxes of rocks. Lots of Lake Superior agates and then a bunch of petrified wood, jasper, montana agates and anything else that "spoke" to me.

serialstar said... are such an amazing person! I totally support you in any way you would need me to! You are such a strong person and have the ability to do whatever you want...i agree with pissant...we are our own worst critics...we dont always see the beauty in ourselves that others see from years of telling us we aren't good enough...our society is one of the only societies where being "overweight" is an awful thing...there are so many beautiful people out there of all sizes...whats most important is that we love ourselves and if droppin a few will make you love yourself more than I got your back!

Sierra said...

oh yea...and OWN IT!!

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Anonymous said...

It is well told.