Saturday, May 14, 2011


Just thought I would say hi.. Haven't really talked to anyone too much lately.. So many changes, so far apart.. I hope everyone is doing well.. I also just wanted to say thank you for the friendships you have brought me and to apologize for any issues in the past.. May your futures bring you much happiness. Good riddence!


serialstar said...

Good riddance? Um.... What the hell miss erin!?! I love you bunches. Things have been hectic lately and I have just been a poor friend on the communication end of things. I will be calling you later today. Know this. Also I love you, think you're amazing, and am incredibly privileged to have you as a major life force in my world! So so grateful for you & all my girlies!

:) said...

Kisses and hug to you Erin and all yous. Life is crooning along and surviving and thriving we are!

Sierra said...

I suck at pretty much everything...but I love you all..even when I would love nothing better than to knock some teeth out..its only cause I give a shit. I apoligize for being cruel when I could be kind...PEACEOUT girlscouts :)