Thursday, October 09, 2008

i am officially sick

i have been currently diagnosed with strep throat and bronchittas. yuckky, and i have to take another day off, i ain't complaining, but the are going to be bangin and in my way tomorrow. and my friend is having company over for the weekend, so i can't necessarily go to her house,so i guess i will go to my dad's and hang out their for the day, maybe get some sleep or not. we'll see. and i need to do laundry, that has been unplugged for like 3 days as well, so i guessi have to go the laundro mat, or to sabrina's tonite. then i still have like 4 loads to do on top of that, and i will have to wait longer, because the floor isn't going in until monday and won't be finished until like tuesday nite. ahhhhh. just want to get back to normal. it will look so awesome, just time consuming. and stressful.okay i am going to take a nap. good bye


pissantONwheels said...

They must be really tearing shit up, i thought it was just the kitchen? Um so, all these days without smoking, might be a good time to quit eh??? Sorry i had to mention it. I hope you start feeling better soon. Most certainly by this weekend :)

Sierra said...

I just bought a pack tonight! Im going to die tomorrow....but yes, quitting, good time....hehe