Monday, August 04, 2008

week 1 of august 2008!!!

so i am putting up a new blog, i have been super busy these past couple weeks with the new dog and all, he now sits, goes out the doggy door, doesn't pee, unless, it's by something new, so we don't put new stuff down onto the floor, i am getting the rest his papers tomorrow after work, fianlly. and some of his toys and crate, so its just been hectic, walking and playing and grooming, not just one but two stuck up self centered pomeranians, i think that's just their nature, it's more like that have attitude and just want to do what they think that should do, kind oflike a cat, but they come to me when i call them. and work, well, it's been hectic, the new girl quit, so here i am again, doing it by myself, and it's one day sale next week, ahhh! i got a new computer in my room, it just needs internet hook up so hopefully soon! and it's warm here, too warm for my liking , i need it to be like 65 at the most all the time and i would be totally temp happy! oh and bruce is a little jeoulous of teedy, but that's too be expected. it works out, and bruce definately tells you he is there, and teddy well, he doesn't bark only when he wants bruce to play, so like once a day if that. also, he totally drools excessively in the car and now i think he is afraid to go for rides. i have to work on that, abecause he has to get used ot it. so wish me luck and prayers for this! oh and tony is back working and got a raise, so yea! we can get caught up on bills and stuff and totally start saving! love you all and have a great first week of august!


Sierra said...

I'm going to send you a heat index! ;p Also...I love poofy2 anxiety or not that dog is cute

sisterlovemoon said...

well, he is doing better. i took him for a ride to the coffee stand to day and he drooled and didn't want to sit in the front, i guess i will just have to get him some anti anxiety stuff for a while, i don't know, what else to do for a dog, most people say it's the best thing, since it's hard to counsel a dog out of anxiety, unless i was a dog whisperer, which i am not i am just a dog lover! so well, see and he keeps throwing up all the raw hide that he chews, but he is teething so, i don't know i just need to research some for healthy dog toys. but yea he is super cute he totally gave me kisses this morning when i came home early and didnn't feel that well and he totally laid down beside me, he is totally our new baby!