Friday, May 16, 2008

i feel the water running over my hand.. leading me to my light.

I have decided that i am going to pursue the career of a nurse. i have been thinking about it for years and i really need to go thorugh with this, if i am going to get anywhere in my life, i have just been floating. i hate floating.actually, i rather be in charge of where i go along this river we call life. i am the captain of my own destination. i possess the navigational tools to lead a successful cruise. i will find my destination, pick up those along the way who may guide me along this, it will never end, just as the water moving never ends.


:) said...

you will be a fabulous nurse.

sisterlovemoon said...

thank you i appreciate that. i think i would be too. i love taking care of people. my real dream would consist of actually being a hospice nurse. it is so important to me to take care of the terminally ill. to have a special hand in being in the ending of someone's life. because it's really not the end, but the beginging, few people realize that. i guess it's more than that, i find comfort in death. i am not afraid of it and people need to have comfort when they are going down that path, i want to be that person!

Sierra said...

You so have that amazing ability in you, YAY for you and realizing you life gifts to ease the ones departing from this life!! I admire that!!