So this is for the fact that sometimes i totally feel like just running away from my life. i start to feel it all caving in, like everything is just nothing, my life isn't what i want it to be and i'm just not happy with what it's become. I go through these moods, then come on i can't control them. i totally try everything to stop them.i have no motivation to go and work out or do anything out of my comfort. and i think that's my problem,just doing what i need to do and not worry about what might happen or what others think. but these moods, lately they are repetitive and i get in a funk and it drains me. i feel lonely, lost, our of place, and out of body. i don't know who i am and i just want to run away and leave all of this behind because i feel wasted and useless. so i just wanted to talk about that, then i remember that people are dying to just have somewhere to live a little bit of money ane some foods to eat. i am lucky i have great friends, life and all thatjazz. it's up to me to make it worthwhile and better and do things to improve them.
The hardest but most important thing to do about feelings like this is to really focus on what you are feeling and try to locate the source of it. Even when you have an overall feeling of unhappiness, a lot of the time its stemming from one particular part of your life. Think about what things, if they were different, would make you feel better, and remember that you have control over your life and your emotions, even when it doesn't seem like it. Its totally up to you to choose to be happy. Yeah i have totally been reading my choice theory book recently, its got some pretty neat stuff in it. Most importantly just remember that you are awesome and you are loved, and what more could anyone ask for. Well aside from personal fulfillment of course :)
I have the same things...its part of being human. you do have the right to choose how you feel, if you can think about everything you may feel in-dfferent about, and sit, concentrate, and live it, and put positive people, words surrounding in this thought, to create your own feeling of whatever they may be....its visuallization, i learned this at the powers of ten course i went to last year. It has helped me see myself through some situations, and even forgive the ones i was holding onto from the past. But i love you, you rock, when everything around you seems to be problamatic, I have learned, just to focus on what is good, and it will in turn bring more good things to you.
thanx i try to be postive as much as i can. it usually passes as most things and then i realize what the heck was i worried about. i have this never ending need for everything to be perfect all the time for everyone. and i cannot please all. i just have to live with that and know that nothing is perfect and never will be to my satisfactions. ahh
maybe you should blog....or perhaps this time, the evil monkey might come after you....
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