Saturday, July 14, 2007

Happy 50th MOM

So yester day July 13, would have been my mother's 50th birthday, she was actually born on friday the 13th,in 1957. I know i would have gotten her a dinosaur toy, because my sister and i always teased her that she was as old as dinosaurs. hehehe. I also probably would have made a point to spend it with her, but who knows where she would be, but i would have like to been there with her.To make fun of how she was over the hill and give her balloons, and some flowers. I would definately make a cake. I wish she were here to experience it! Also i just wish she could be here to meet tony, seen my sister graduate, and just help me when things are retarded. But i hope she is okay wherever she is now! i know my grandma is having a hard time with this, she always focuses on dates and stuff like that. So i was suppossed to call her yesterday and i forgot. she is gonna be pissed, oh well when i get done, i am going to call her and see how she is doing! i know my mom would have loved to expereince her 50th, cause we would have done so much for her. i just love her and always will. So happy 50th mom, i love you. oh and ha i am only 26. hehehe


serialstar said...

happy bday mama cadden

Sierra said...

i went out to her grave yesterday on my way out of jtown, also my gmas, and my cousin logans too...i had a hard time finding yer mom's i always do...but end up finding it!! HAPPY BDAY!!!!!!!!