It must be in the air, or maybe just my panties. Sex is definately high on my list of thoughts that happen everyday, possibly more than I have ever had. I don't know where it came from. Perhaps the fact that i am healthier, and my body is finally responding correctly. Making up for the past couple years of not really wanting any. Or that i do feel more confident in myself, so let it out.
As we grow into ourselves, how does this effect our sex lives. Does the experience of partners, time , and or that we are willin to branch out and experiement, determine how we take this into our relationships. I think it's all of that. Sex brings out the worst in some but mostly it brings the best to all of us.
We have all had our fair share of experiences. Perhaps that are story worthy, or better just kept behind that door, we possibly don't want to go back to. At least not physically, but in our heads. To rather remind us of what we put out.,or should have kept in.
Their is that tale that as a women reaches her 30's she has the best sex drive she will ever have in her life. If that is true, why does it have to go away. Because it's pretty amazing, to feel the newness, and adventurous sex kitten, that possibly we all could be.
Believe it or not there are things out there, I haven't tried. Possibly due to my lack of confidence in how I feel about my body. Along with being in a relationship for 8 years with a man, who possibly is giving me signals, that he needs more. I have vowed to stretched beyond my comfort zone and give him what he wants. Believe it or not, it's what i needed as well, the satisfaction of pleassing someone that i hold dear to me.
I don't know where this will lead me or us, but I plan on making it a damn good time. I mean we only live once, and i am not wasting this on nothing. And who says no to a woman witht he sex drive of an 18 year old boy. REally, Who Would.
So here's to all the sexy woman out there, afraid to take that step. Take those clothes off, spread your legs, and be all you can be and take it all.