Wednesday, October 22, 2008
omg i need it so bad....
okay this is the deal, their are really cute dooney & burke handbags on sale at my work for like 40-65% off the original price. then with my 20% employee discount, and an extra 20 employee discount this weekend along with an i could have a super cute designer bag. omg what to do also in all the other department i can get 10-15% off plus all of the above, make up for what like 50% omg, what to do. give me like lots of reason why i shouldn't take a loan out to purchase the whole entire store. so i just want a bag. even if it's just a little one. ahhhhh i love hang bags i should have my own company, does anybody want to start designing bags with me, i can never find the one i really like the girl i work with is a seamstress and she will help.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Erin needs
i have been reading every ones "needs". i wasn't going to par take in this activity for it sounds a little fucken retarded. but, funny indeed. so i went to google and put in my name thinking that i would be getting something that i had no clue about, it didn't make sense, then i realized. this is fucken hilarious. so these are my needs and well, some may be true, most are ridiculous, and like everyone else., a double digit anything is good.
Erin needs
Another miracle- obviously i have issues that need to be solved, seriously.
The looney bin- i will be admited at 5 am tomorrow morning if anyone would like to join.
To wear shirts with straps, my tits must be falling? who da thunk?
Get a drink- fuck yea a double 7&7 . drink up
A liver transplant, yes it's all that drinking that i do.
To visit the library, yea i haven't read a book in a while, thanks for reminding me.
A bookshelf for all of my piano books, are they invisible and see throught my walls, because yes that is true.
To be naked, well possibly, what's the catch
And the number one thing that Erin Needs:
What most white girls want a cock that measures into the double digits. hell yea bitches, give me one of them. woo hoo.
So as you can see i really enjoyed this activity. i may have not done it correctly but, it was fucken hilarious. thanks for the entertainment and hoped you enjoyed it too!
Erin needs
Another miracle- obviously i have issues that need to be solved, seriously.
The looney bin- i will be admited at 5 am tomorrow morning if anyone would like to join.
To wear shirts with straps, my tits must be falling? who da thunk?
Get a drink- fuck yea a double 7&7 . drink up
A liver transplant, yes it's all that drinking that i do.
To visit the library, yea i haven't read a book in a while, thanks for reminding me.
A bookshelf for all of my piano books, are they invisible and see throught my walls, because yes that is true.
To be naked, well possibly, what's the catch
And the number one thing that Erin Needs:
What most white girls want a cock that measures into the double digits. hell yea bitches, give me one of them. woo hoo.
So as you can see i really enjoyed this activity. i may have not done it correctly but, it was fucken hilarious. thanks for the entertainment and hoped you enjoyed it too!
movin on up to the east side... to the house in the sky.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Happy halloween!!!
This is my front porch in segments, i wanted you to see upfront, so i did it in sections. i love it, but at 4 in the morning, it's kind of creepy the ghost who is a motion sensor, has a dying battery so when you go by it sounds like he is grunting for poo poo. anyways, have a great hallow's eve.also, i obviously have crooked pictures, so whatever.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
i am officially sick
i have been currently diagnosed with strep throat and bronchittas. yuckky, and i have to take another day off, i ain't complaining, but the are going to be bangin and in my way tomorrow. and my friend is having company over for the weekend, so i can't necessarily go to her house,so i guess i will go to my dad's and hang out their for the day, maybe get some sleep or not. we'll see. and i need to do laundry, that has been unplugged for like 3 days as well, so i guessi have to go the laundro mat, or to sabrina's tonite. then i still have like 4 loads to do on top of that, and i will have to wait longer, because the floor isn't going in until monday and won't be finished until like tuesday nite. ahhhhh. just want to get back to normal. it will look so awesome, just time consuming. and stressful.okay i am going to take a nap. good bye
so tired...sick...busy...
I have suffered sickness once again!, worse than the one i had last year when i came to visit. i haven't smoked in like 4 days, i try to have a drag, but then i am like whatever why did i light this up? so i don't know, i want one, but i feel even shittier after i smoke that it's really pointless. i have missed 2 1/2 days of work, spend most of that time in bed, since monday afternoon, dealt with getting my health insurance. check this out, about a month ago, human resources had me sign a statement stating that my minimum hours for work was 16 a week. just for the purpose fo insurance. they asked me if i had insurance and i said yes, she was like okay you should be fine then. so last week i noticed that my insurance was not being taken out of my checks, i was getting direct deposit, so i honestly wasn't paying attention to that part, anyways, they said it was dropped,due to my drop in hours, what? that is bullshit... then since i am at a minimum of 35 hours, considered full time now, i am eligible, for better more expensive really awesome insurance. okay, so i fianlly signed up on monday. but since the window of time available i have to back pay from sept 24, on top of what i pay every week. whatever. that is b.s. but i get it. so i tried to go to the doctor on tues. i wasn't in the system yet, so about an hour a ago. h.r called and said that i am in the system, and i can use my insurance. so hopefully i only have to pay like 35 in insted of 150, what a pain. just so upset that my company didn't let me know it was going to happen. on top of that i got another raise, so yea. i just have been eating soup and jello and giner ale for about 4 days, and i need some food and a smoke. and a drink. also, we have no kitchen because it's being remodeled so all i have is a fridge, so i have to go to my friend sabrina's condo just to have tea or soup or potty if i am in town, because cold medicine, doesn't do a poopy good. so i am going back to work tomorrow witha doctor's note, hopefully i don't rack of too many attendence points, and i have a smooth day, because i also have to work on sunday. it's all good, our kitchen might be back together by next week and i am starting to feel better, and tony is awesome, because he has been waiting on me hand and foot, and i got sick on his birthday which was monday. my dad's is on saturday, i took the dog's in last friday for shots and micro chip well, for teddy and it was his 1st birthday, i am such a meanie... bruce got 2 teeth pulled and he is doing amazingly well, the thryroid medication is working, he is actually fluffy again! so they have been spending all their time with me in bed, what a bunch of cuddle bugs! so that's all i have for now, i am tired and hungry and should go to the doctor. so hope you are all good. miss you guys so much!
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