Thursday, February 28, 2008
so i just want to let everyone know that my phone has been suspeneded. so you can reach me at tony's number. if you don't know it, call alicia and get it from her. so i am going phone shopping with my sister for a new cell phone. so wish us luck.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
crazy times, crazy times!
so as wonderful as i looked and felt this morning, it didnt'turn out as well as i planned it to. first of all i had to prep for a sale today, it was so awesome, i was almost done, totally confident that this was the best prep i have ever done, so much more confident in exactly where things were. then it hit, we had to set it as well. which was really frustrating because one of my sections only came down for today, so i had to put it back up, not very good time management! i was upset for a while, then realized it only took me 2 extra hours to set, good thing i am awesome at preping now! so i just wanted to vent because the sale was for tomorrow then changed for today, frustrating is what it is! it's okay i get extra hours and i still get to come it tomorrow for some more hours!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
French art and Italian dessert?
So my saturday was a really good one this weekend. i sometimes hate the weekends, because i end up being at home and cleaning or doing laundry, and always looking for something to do. So yesterday Tony and i went down the seattle museum of art or the "SAM". It was really neat, haven't been to an art museum in a while. Too bad it was opening day for the exhibit from the louvre and family day, but we managed. They had a good size exhibit of the roman culture from the Louvre museum in Paris. It was so cool to see these statues that were carved by hand, so detailed and done so many centuries ago! you could actually see the dates carved in them! to imagine up close that people were around then and lived in a culture pretty close to ours, considering we don't really sacrifice or brutally kill as much. but, it's very similar, too bad all the things in between had to bring us down. To know that they showed their status by clothing, hairdo's and material possessions just as much as we do, well it was neat! The religious aspect was really interesting, all the cults that the romans and were a part of that to me aren't really cults, just more like separate spiritual beliefs. my favorite mural, was of a roman slaying a bull, can't remember his name, but with all the zodiac signs looking down at him in a circle. it was so detailed and to know we still rely on these symbols of future, is just amazing. Besides all the wonder and amazement, tony still seemed to get in trouble. he got yelled at for touching a mural, which he didn't even do and then they said he was standing too close, and the security lady was really bitchy. oh well, it's never a dull moment with that man! We went around and looked at all the other artwork and exhibits, which to me i love looking at paintings and just starring at all the brushstrokes and i thought tony was going to die of boredom. we looked at everything in about 2 hours. then enjoyed some gelato and a corner dessert place down the road from the parking garage! it was a really good date and so pleased that i have someone to do those things with, even if he causes trouble!
Friday, February 22, 2008
the end of the week! yea yea yea!!!
So today was a rather stressful day! first of all i had to be at work at 4 in the morning, which meant i got up at 3, that wasn't so bad, my windows weren't all fogged over and i acutally got to work 15 minutes early! i waited for the girl to come let me in, and none of our codes worked. then the security buzzer went off because we tried it too much! sucky! then we went to the other store to help then out for a while, we fianlly got in at around 4:45. which put us like an hour behind. which was so stressful, because i didn't have time to fully prep for the one-day sale on top of morning specials and does this for my four departments, which consist of intimate apparel, juniors, better sportswear, and moderate apparell. it took forever, even with help from someone, we didn't get out of there until 10, which was an hour past our time. not only did that happen i even stayed late by 3 hours yesterday just to get prepped some what. so friggen frustrating. then they called and wanted me to come in tomorrow for more set-up, because they figured it was ok, earlier in the week when we told them no one was scheduled and there were specials to put up. so i am not calling back to work tomorrow, because that would put me at 8 days in a row, no over time. and i want a day off! so i just feel so frustrated and i know i made some mistakes and missed some signs, because i was rushing just to get done. ahhhhh, i can't wait until the other girl comes back from prego leave! then life will be grand. other than that i am good had my shower ate some lunch, watch untamed heart, i heart christian slater so much! tomorrow we might go down to the museum in seattle to see the opening of the roman statue exhibit, i bet it will be awsesome! can't wait! so talk at you all later, gator!


Sunday, February 17, 2008
To the one i love!
so this is the incredibly cute card tony got me for valentines day! i love penguins, he gets me one every year, i have a cute penguin cookie jar! and the card, omg, so awesome! and these flowers are so pretty pink and purple. he usually gets me roses, ( so cliche).I really love these flowers, even when i tell him let's not celebrate or let's do it another day, he suprises me every time. like last year he bought all the fixings for me to make spaghetti dinner, before he had to go to work. and got me flowers and chocholate! he can be romantic, when it's necessary, which is more than i give him credit for. so this is a dedication to the man i consider the greatest and knows me better than i know myself, but's up with my crazy mood swimgs, grumpy mornings and still loves me no matter what, did i mention he thinks i look better without make-up, i thinking he just tries to make me feel better, but it's bullshit! so this one is for you tony, i love you forever!
weekend update...
So since i didn't get paid till friday, i got tony a travel case and all the goodies for his psp, he absolutely loved it! then i took us out to dinner for chinese and we went and saw fool's gold, it was so funny! great date movie. i think we are doing pretty well, sometimes' when i look at him i totally cannot picture my life with out him. even seeing another man some what nakes, only makes me think of him and how i wamt him. it's funny how that works. then yesterday we went to my dad's and low and behold my sister had a job interview for mc donald's. she got the job and starts orientation on tues. it's at the one by my house so i am going to pick her up and take her home that nite. it's so awesome for her to finally get a job! she keeps telling me that her childhood is over and i am like it's been over for a while honey, you are 19. she'll get in the groove of things and i think she will actually love working. so yea for her! now it's sunday i worked fro 4 house and i am off until tues.then off on wednesday, work thursday and friday. off on saturday work sun -thurs. what the hell ever, then i have a 4 day weekend, my schedule sucks, but it's a job and it works. so that is all for now.
Friday, February 15, 2008
i am blogging!!!
Okay everybody i am officially blogging. geez 14 comments, that's a big one for me. so yes i am okay, just really busy with working, going to the gym, and doing home things. getting up at 4 and and not getting home until 2 them cleaning, cooking, working out, pleasing tony and my dog who has to be up my butt all the time, we are walking for 20 minutes everyday and he won't let me forget it. so sorry. well, i hope everyone else is doing well. i have lost about 4 pounds in my goal of trying to loose some weight and be healthy, but i think i gained it all back this week with my intake of a very good cream puff. i love the french. and their baking and un.. not so much the calories of what i injested, but damb it was soooo good! hope everyone had a great valentine's day! i was going to take a picture of the things i got, but i left my camera in the toyota. oh yea i am now officially driving the truck, tony is up in ferndale working for a while. which means that is a 40 minutes drive one-way, so to save on gas i get to drive the blue tractor, that's what it feels like anyways. but, oh well at least i have something to drive, for the time being, until i get my car back. ahhh.
so i decided this year i didn't want to celebrate valentine's day, on valentines day, no going out, flowers, candy presnts. nothing. just us and us. so i was going to make chicken picata and just enjoy the the hosue to ourselves. well, i did make hima homemade card, which he always loves, because i always say cheesy stuff in them. so when he was running late yesterday and not answering his phone, i was kind of getting nervous. so he knocked on the door, of course i answered, and there he was with a whole bunch of purple and pink flowers, the bigges box of chocolates and a card. stupid butthead. but i think he knows better than to not get anything, because deep down i do want it. so he's good, and the card was so friggen cute. it had a penguing on it and it said" what what i do if i didn't have you?", then when you open it " i would still be looking for you" how friggen cute and he knows i love penguins, so he's good, except for the chocolates, he knows i am on a diet, they are my pitfall. i hate too much last nite, so i made him put them up high, i don't know where they are hidden and if i ask for one he will get it for me , because i would eat the whole box. i just can't help it. but we watched good luck chuck last nite at home, and it was friggen hilarious, everyone should see it! we went to bed early and he actually watched project runway with me, oh and he didn't make me cook, we ordered pizza and diet coke. the man of my dreams. we are going out for chinese tonite and maybe a movie, we'll see. so i am doing well very happy and getting healthy and my clothes are fitting better and maybe tomorrow i will put up somepicture so you can see my beautiful flowers.
so i decided this year i didn't want to celebrate valentine's day, on valentines day, no going out, flowers, candy presnts. nothing. just us and us. so i was going to make chicken picata and just enjoy the the hosue to ourselves. well, i did make hima homemade card, which he always loves, because i always say cheesy stuff in them. so when he was running late yesterday and not answering his phone, i was kind of getting nervous. so he knocked on the door, of course i answered, and there he was with a whole bunch of purple and pink flowers, the bigges box of chocolates and a card. stupid butthead. but i think he knows better than to not get anything, because deep down i do want it. so he's good, and the card was so friggen cute. it had a penguing on it and it said" what what i do if i didn't have you?", then when you open it " i would still be looking for you" how friggen cute and he knows i love penguins, so he's good, except for the chocolates, he knows i am on a diet, they are my pitfall. i hate too much last nite, so i made him put them up high, i don't know where they are hidden and if i ask for one he will get it for me , because i would eat the whole box. i just can't help it. but we watched good luck chuck last nite at home, and it was friggen hilarious, everyone should see it! we went to bed early and he actually watched project runway with me, oh and he didn't make me cook, we ordered pizza and diet coke. the man of my dreams. we are going out for chinese tonite and maybe a movie, we'll see. so i am doing well very happy and getting healthy and my clothes are fitting better and maybe tomorrow i will put up somepicture so you can see my beautiful flowers.
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