Sunday, June 24, 2007
Friday night would have to be the funest time i have had in a while. just with tony and myself. We went to whidbey island to one of the remaining 8 drive-in's in the state of Washington. it was so much fun. We saw Shrek 3 and Rise of the silver surfer. We took some treats but, we had to totally go the the concession stand and get nachos and a super duper large soda. we're funny. It didn't start till dark which was like at 10, then they showed a tom and jerry cartoon, along with some funny 50's style advertisement for the venue. It also had a arcade shed, go-cart track and the bathroom were decent and clean. It only cost 12 for the two of us and on saturday's they have a double feature. It was just so neat to have a date nite. We sat and ate our munchies, enjoyed the movie, and whether tony wants to admit it, he liked shrek, too. We didn't get out fo there until like 1:30 in the morning, which got us home around 2:00. Long nite, but it was definately worth it! We are really looking forward to going again this weekend, it's Transformers and well, tony has to go. So as we partake in our adolescence, it defiantely makes us humble and totally being romantic, cause you know it's dark and well ya know. So i hope everyone gets the chance to participate in a drive-in the future, because it's so much fun.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
First day of summer
i don't know what exactly i am going to do today. it is pretty windy here and well, the sun isn't looking too happy. but, besides that maybe i will go to the beach just to celebrate? This weekend is suppossed to be nice and we are having Berry dairy days here in Burlington. so just a short trek to get the famous strawberry shortcakes and a little look into the history of this area. it's great we have so many local farms, that i don't even have to go to the store to get produce , if i don't want to. so for all go celebrate, this lovely day, whatever the weather permits to you! CHEERS
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
In the track of time...
So... i don't know where to begin. I have decided that i am no longer who i was perceiving my self to be. you see all long i thought i was the one person who could make it ok. well, today after having a conversation with a good friend of mine, i realized that even i cannot control how people are ultimately going to react to certain situations. this really does sadden me. It's not in a bad way, just that i worrry so about everyone else being okay with everything. that i didn't realize that their are underlying issues that i really don't know that much about. I always think that everyone has to be super friends with each other all the time. when, really we should give and take a little with everyone, that others deserve attention more than given and we can't all be there 100% all the time. because this would take away the special bond we have with each and every person we encounter. sometimes i talk to one person for an extended period of time and them move on to another. putting in more when i deam it necessary, not just for the person but for myself as well. so this puts me back as to why i am saddened. perhaps for the loss of what i thoght was a truly special group of girls. not that we are not friends are anything like that, but how we all reacted to it. and how fast people are to look to the worst when it comes to not truly understanding each other. even i did it, that is why i am sad. i miss not being back with everyone, but i don't belong there. i am here with my life and others friends and family. i love all my friends and that will never change. but, i really like how i have become and evolved and it will be ever changing, but i want to improve each and one of my friendships and make them even better. because for me having someone i have know for so long makes it even sweeter. so in like the years to come when we sit down we will all take in so much of what we accomplished it will be like we never left. you know when we open that coffee shop. so i guess what i am trying to say, is that are underlying bullshit will never go away. it's just how we really do react to it, that makes the situation what it is. and i hope what happend this time is a prime example for all of us and it makes us better friends for opening up gates that have been locked for so long. i wish it didn't have to be such hard words, but sometimes that is needed for people to actually pay attention. so thank you all for being my friends and putting in your 2 cents, because that is really all i wanted accomplished. and remember the phone is only a button away. and when you feel like getting a point across. dont' hesitate to call that person. because it truly makes the difference. and also understand that each of us have a special little bond to everyone. and we may tell others more that what you expect, but some people need that. i know i do, but if we could sit down for a couple hours examine it in our head before telling someone, it won't get out of hand. so i guess all in all, what you say does effect everyone. because we are all connected in this world. so when you get the bag. remember what we are for each other. because we all need a little saving once in a while.( if you have found this information to be a bunch a crap, please don't hesitate to let me know, because i kind of lost track of what i was trying to say) i guess that's what it's for. i love you all!!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
ok... i am fed up with people being hypocritical. we all need to work on being open with each other. if someone has a problem with what i am about to say, they you know what. too bad, these are my feelings of some issues i believe need to be surfaced. first of all i am tired of people talking behind other people's backs. it's bullshit. and i am tired of people stressing our about stupid shit, when they don't even have the facts straight. i hate being in the middle of shit. but i also have a tendency to want to make things straight and okay with everyone. so forgive me if i happen to step on anyone's toes. because it is my belief that we should all be allowed to state how we feel even if it is negative. we have to learn how to make it better. but god damn it sometimes i am just pissy and i want to be. and so everyone else can be how they want to be. so to everyone who deletes comments out of anger just to prove a point, is ridiculous and to everyone who is upset about comments and doesn't do anything to solve but, bitch. that is ridiculous. you talk about it with me i then form an opinion. so there it is bullshit. if you are so righteous and want all energies and whatever to be along, then use the positivity to mend the issues, not make them worse and run away from them. i just truly want all of us to be there for each other, but we all need to make the effort. i am just not standing up for one person or falling into someone's trap. i am standing up for what i believe to be the best. if you can't see that then i am sorry. but some people just need to be told that enuff is enuff and go talk things our and make it better. i am pissed off that i am so far away. i want this to be better. but i guess someone out there will say to me. well, it's really not my business. but you know what i have made it my business. that's what i do i fix things, if you all don't like it . then you can kiss my ass. it pisses me off beyond belief that some act like we are in high school. get the truth before you react, please! and yea this isn't a nice blog and it is gonna piss someone off, but i have been waiting for so long, for things to just be ok. like how hard is that. realize that we are all different and will not conform to everything you want us to. just accept them for who they are and stand by them and show them in suggestive way to be more open and accepting. pushing your way on others is not the thing, trust me. so i hope this will open something up and get something solves. if not well i said my shit and that 's that. good nite.! and just because i said these things, doesn't mean i don't love everyone, it is just upsetting. so there take that positivity and shove it up your ass.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Last Day:(...
So this is the last day my grama is here. she is leaving for sacremento tomorrow morning. i had so much fun with her. i sure am tired, though. i bet she is and she doesn't want to hurt our feelings. that's ok because we were so busy! we had dinner at the corner tavern today and i think she really enjoyed it! We also took a drive up on Chuckanut Drive. such beautiful views.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Sunday Drive
This is were it was snowy. My sister found me a bathroom, we ran like a mile into the picnic area, because i had to potty so bad! And i was wearing clogs, no socks and capri pans, man it was cold! We found a potty and i to go down a snow bank just to get down into the b.r. But, it was definately worth it! Then we trecked back through the snow and my sister traded shoes with me. but, she fell and got her foot stuck in the snow. it was so funny, but it sucked because she couldn't feel her toes. anyways, she saved my life, so i guess she is a good sister. and she even picked out bbq honey fritos for me earlier in the day, which i haven't had in forever but, i love, so i guess that is what led me to my potty experience. Thanks kelly!

We saw some really cool views of the area. The water is so beautiful, because it runs down from the glaciers. It looks green and absolutely enchanting.My dad and i are being peaceful, but he's looking like i am crazy. hehehe

So this is the beging of the adventure that i had with my grandma june, dad and sister on our sunday drive.It was quite interesting with my sister getting really close to the edge to take certain pictures, hence the once below. We followed the Cascade loop up to Rainy pass and turned around a good 5 hour drive, in all. We were all tired, but we got to have a good time, remember the good old days, especially about the stories of my dad when he was little. My dad is my grandma's first born, so you know, it's so cute! Kelly and i rarely aruged and she actually saved my life.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Love is in the family
well, this week has been very exciting! My grandma june( dad's mom) got in yesterday! yea it is so awesome to see her and have her here for like a week! we went down and got her from the airport and i just love her. she is such a beautiful person, everything i aspire to be. with her kindness genuine love of people and her faith in god. i talked to her about my alternative ways of healing, like the meditation and energy healing, and she said to me, you know i really believe in that, and for you to take a hold of that just confirms god's love for you. it's amazing to have someone who has been throught more that i could ever imagine and still be strong and have faith. i definately look up to her,more that she would ever realize. so i got to spend the after noon with her and my sister. we helped her get a rental car, went shopping and out to lunch. and then back to her hotel room, to just hang out.. that was her favorite part. she told me and kelly that we really do have a special love between us, so of course ,kelly and i said we hated each other and my grandma said no way, it's sisterly love. gosh, she is always on the mark. maybe my sister will realize someday.
Also, my sister graduates tomorrow. it's so exciting. i know that i am just going to totally cry. i am also prepared for a million pictures. i will post them next week. can you believe it smelly kelly 18, graduated from high school, and boobies. then she wants me to go to canada with her when she's nineteen,, i can't wait for that one. oh and serialstar, she wants you to go too, and she wants us to go to the harry potter amusement park, when it opens, so keep your calender open for that one, ok? remember when we were all graduating. it's just unbelieveable! so we are taking her to olive garden for dinner tonite! yea i wish you all could be here, because i am so gonna cry, i want to cry right now. ok i will stop. anyways, it will be a fun time this week. going whale watching, to the san juan islands, shopping, sight seeing. this is the best. having all the people you love around. there's absolutely nothing better than that! love you girls!!!
Also, my sister graduates tomorrow. it's so exciting. i know that i am just going to totally cry. i am also prepared for a million pictures. i will post them next week. can you believe it smelly kelly 18, graduated from high school, and boobies. then she wants me to go to canada with her when she's nineteen,, i can't wait for that one. oh and serialstar, she wants you to go too, and she wants us to go to the harry potter amusement park, when it opens, so keep your calender open for that one, ok? remember when we were all graduating. it's just unbelieveable! so we are taking her to olive garden for dinner tonite! yea i wish you all could be here, because i am so gonna cry, i want to cry right now. ok i will stop. anyways, it will be a fun time this week. going whale watching, to the san juan islands, shopping, sight seeing. this is the best. having all the people you love around. there's absolutely nothing better than that! love you girls!!!
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Success is in the beholder...
So i have come to the conclusion that i have been just flowing about in this world. i haven't really conducted any progress in the sense of myself. i have just been getting by. it needs to end now. so i am totally put in 100% towards getting my real estate liscence. it will be awesome and i will do very well at it! i told my grama june about it and she was so wonderful. she reminded me of how i will do well because i am a good person, i care about people and that i am genuinely honest and look towards the good in all. gee, i forgetten that. but, i am not going to do that to myself, anymore! i will succeed. see i will be starting out as an assistant after i get all of my testing and trainging out of the way. i just hope that it won't cause conflict between me and a certain person. you know i will assisting tony's mom and she can be demanding and very certain of her ways. which is not a bad thing, just i have a hard time adjusting to something i don't know much about and for someone who is all knowing... well, it could be difficult. but, i will work through it and it will make me that much stronger! i want my life to be my own. not a making of under someone else's lifestyle. i want tony and i to have our own house and a car that runs good and monies so we can do our own adventures. so actually there is a lot of pressure for me, but it is good. it pushes me to be the best of who i am and will be. so this is the beging, i hope, for a wonderful future and hopefully tony might pop a question i have been waiting for like forever. i just have to get rid of something. so much damn stupid baggage i have accumulated. i would like new baggage perhaps some louis vitton. you know the good stuff. anyways, i will end this ranting and do something productive like maybe put my bra back on. god, my tits hurt! they feel like damb boulders hanging off of me. i don't want them anymore, or at least for now. but i guess i am stuck with them. tis life. love to you all!!!
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